"…Radium Girls proves engrossing, thanks to its powerful real-life tale and the excellent performances by leads King and Quinn, who make us fully care about their character’s fates."

— Frank Scheck, Hollywood Reporter

"A worthy entry in the category of workers’ rights movies, “Radium Girls,” like “Silkwood,” is based on actual events. Directors Lydia Dean Pilcher and Ginny Mohler reveal a little-known part of history with a loudly beating feminist heart and a narrative grounded in reality."

— Kristen Yoonsoo Kim, New York Times

“With the words "teen" and "activist" becoming increasingly synonymous, this historical drama is incredibly relevant and feels made to appeal to and encourage today's passionate youths."

— Tara McNamara, Common Sense Media

“Radium Girls” is a story based on hauntingly true events that question the themes displayed in today’s society.”

— Molly Given, AM/METRO

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