
Ronja braves the mystical forest teeming with both enchanting and fearsome creatures like the wile-wings and gray dwarfs. But it's her alliance with Birk, from a rival clan, that truly stirs the pot, igniting an intense family feud. This thrilling adventure is based on renowned author Astrid Lindgren’s world-famous story.

TV-serie, season 1
6  x 45 min
Language: Swedish
2023 Family/Fantasy/Action


EP 1
Ronja is born on a stormy night in Mattis Fortress, which is perched on a cliff, deep in the forest. Mattis is very proud of his new-born daughter and presents her to his twelve robbers, who praise the newest member of the clan. That same night, lightning strikes and splits the fortress in two. In later years, once Ronja is old enough, she takes off to explore the forest. Despite her father’s warnings, she seeks out danger - all in the name of learning to be careful. In the village, people react to the string of robber attacks, which have led others to refuse to travel to the village anymore. The village mayor, Valdir, decides to put an end to the robbers.

EP 2
One day, as Ronja is practicing being careful not to fall into Hell’s Mouth, she meets Birk, a boy her age. Borka’s robbers have moved into the abandoned half of the fortress. When Mattis learns this, he is furious. Mattis and Borka face each other at Hell’s Mouth, where Borka says that Mattis has also taken things without permission. Naturally, Ronja wonders what he means. Ronja and Birk continue to happen upon each other in the forest and a friendship slowly starts to take form, against their will. In the village, the mayor is surprised to learn that the sheriff hasn’t captured a single robber. She calls in outside help: the bailiff, Cappa, and her sister Smavis.

EP 3
Ronja is devastated as she realises who Mattis is and where their food and other belongings come from. Mattis concocts a plan to get Borka’s robbers out of the fortress, but it fails and one of the robbers is injured. Skully-Per reminds him that robbers never kill each other. Ronja and Birk continue to meet up and play in the forest. Birk gets told off, because all he does is go out to play, when he ought to be helping secure food. A young man, Chegge, steals from a storage larder in the village and Cappa the bailiff catches him. He is locked up in the stocks, when one of Mattis’s robbers sees him - could he be someone for them?

EP 4
Ronja goes out on a moose hunt with Mattis, which is a success. The smell of fire-roasted moose wafts into Borka’s lair. Borka decides to go out hunting as well, but discovers that their horses have been stolen. Ronja continues to meet Birk in the forest and they try to capture wild horses. Cappa determines that Mattis Fortress is impenetrable, but she knows that Mattis has a daughter who is often out and about in the forest - alone. She thinks that Ronja will be easy an easy target and sends out a group of soldiers to get her. As Ronja is on her way out into the forest, Chegge warns her that it can be dangerous.

EP 5
Ronja is stuck in a deep drift of snow and a rump goblin den, when The Great Wile-Wing catches sight of her. Birk comes to Ronja’s rescue and manages to chase off the Great Wile-Wing. Ronja comes down with a high fever and Mattis is consumed with worry. Ronja lies in her sick-bed, thinking about why Mattis and Borka hate each other so much. Lovis tells her about when the robber chieftains were children and used to meet up in secret, just like Ronja and Birk do now, but Borka ultimately betrayed Mattis’s family. The Borka robbers starve when winter comes. Ronja takes food
 from Mattis Fortress’s larder and gives it to Birk. Cappa sends Smavis with food for Chegge’s sister, whose survival she is holding over Chegge’s head. Smavis and Chegge’s sister become friends.

EP 6
Spring comes with a triumphant cry and Ronja longs to go out in the forest. Ronja is overjoyed to be back in the forest and finds Birk waiting by the lake for her. Ronja has stolen food all winter long, so that Birk wouldn’t starve. They are like sister and brother now. Mattis and his robbers go out robbing again. They keep a close eye on Chegge, whom they suspect of stealing the food that winter. Valdir puts Cappa on the spot. Now it is time that she catch some robbers, or else she can leave.