For 40 years, Eva has remained steadfast in her disbelief in love. Instead, she believes that happiness lies in her love for herself and her friends, a philosophy that has guided her well in her meticulously planned life. After deciding to get pregnant she goes to Copenhagen to get a sperm donor. Eva chooses an open donor who seems perfect. But the night before the big insemination, she can't help but think whether she made the right choice of donor. She decides to seek him out with a hidden agenda. He turns out to be normal, kind, nice and above all not a psychopath. Eva returns home to Stockholm satisfied, now with a small embryo in her uterus. Exactly according to plan. But the donor, Mads, can't stop thinking about Eva and has completely different plans - without knowing her secret.

”All and Eva” is a series about longing. About being seen. But also about life and everything it involves. About relationships with parents, friends, children, partners, colleagues! About expectations. Everyday problems. About the idea we have of how our life should be. And how it never becomes that. About semen. The stress of getting the best out of life, before it’s too late. And above all about Eva, how her life never turns out the way she imagined.

6 x 47
Country:  Sweden
Language: Swedish